join us for our first Revitalization Summit. This conference will address the needs and challenges of smaller churches and is designed for your whole leadership team.
A breakfast (Continental) and lunch (Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich bag lunch) will be provided.
Register Early, by February 15, and receive a Demographic report of the area surrounding your church.
When registering, you will be asked to select the Breakout Sessions you are most interested in (2 to 3 choices). This is to help us plan which rooms to put each breakout in and will not lock you into those sessions. You will choose your breakout sessions at the event. If registering multiple people, please have an idea of which sessions attendees are interested in.
Date & Time:
Saturday, March 1, 2025
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Knollwood Community Church
10000 Coffer Woods Road
Burke, VA 22015
Max of $50 for your whole leadership team
8:00 AM - Continental Breakfast/Fellowship
8:30 AM - Keynote Session 1
9:35 AM - Breakout Session 1
10:40 AM - Keynote Session 2
11:35 AM - Break/Lunch Served
11:50 AM - Working Lunch Roundtable
12:30 PM - Breakout Session 2
1:55 PM - Closing Keynote Session
Breakout sessions:
Reaching Unchurched Men
Marketing for Outreach
Highly Functioning Biblical Eldership
Small Groups that Change Lives
Open the Front Doors/Close the Back Doors
Effective Audio/Visual Programming in Scrappy Churches
Getting to Critical Mass for Kids and Teens
Pastoring Your Neighborhood
The Hard Work of Investing Deeply in Every Person
Intentional Church Planting Even When You’re Small
Overcoming Discouragement
Programming Sunday Mornings with Small Teams
Effective Preaching in the Small Church
Reaching Gen Z/Young Adults
The Church-Wide Impact of Women’s Ministry
Leveraging Your Social Media Presence
How to Overcome Your Facility Challenges
The Really Small Church…On Purpose