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Should Churches Be incorporated? – Webinar

Church incorporation is a matter of stewardship and of managing liability. Incorporation creates an important shield of liability for your members and for your church. Can you imagine a scenario where an injury or abuse allegation claim might challenge your gospel witness in your community? That is a very real scenario that could challenge the very existence of your church. How can you maintain the religious freedoms and protections that define separation of church and state while still stewarding the ministry you have been called to lead? Attorney Rob Showers will address these common questions and more related to managing liability and protecting the Christian ministry you are called to by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Specifically for churches in Virginia but in other states and jurisdictions, don’t miss this webinar to help you think through the benefits of incorporation while still holding to your convictions and values as a Christian ministry. Learn how to assess these benefits and how to move your church toward a healthy and thriving governance model that stewards mission and liability.   

In partnership with Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention (ECAP).

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March 12

NorthStar Safeguards & Stewardship Webinar

May 3

Women's Conference