Take Part in Your Network

by Rev. Danielle L. Bridgeforth

The mission of NorthStar is: To inspire, energize and resource our diverse churches as they carry out their God-given vision. This is not a mission the Network staff can do alone. In order for our Network, collectively, and each church of the Network, individually, to be successful, we need to do it together.

So, as we conclude one church year and get ready to launch another, I encourage the churches of NorthStar to do the following:

  1. Pray. Pray for Bryan Jones, NorthStar’s Executive Director, and his team who are here to support us and serve the Network. Pray for our churches. The Bible says we should pray and never give up. Be diligent, be discreet, be disciplined, and be deliberate in your prayers for our Network.

  2. Be Patient. Let us be patient with each other and listen to one another, so we can continue to walk together on this successful journey. Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to take offense. Be ready to express your needs to the Network, so they know how best to serve you.

  3. Participate. Be active and engaged with the Network. Show up. Share your talents and your time our Network and help ensure our Network continues to move forward successfully in the path God has for us. Without church participation, there is no Network.

  4. Promote. Promotion is different from participation. Participation means you will go. Promotion means that you will invite someone else to go with you. We need pastors and leaders of our churches to share the work of NorthStar with others, so the work might grow.  

  5. Help it to Prosper. If NorthStar is to serve out its mission, we need churches to get behind that mission by giving of our energy, our finances, and our commitment. We need to make sure the Network prospers, and the way we do that is for us, the churches of the Network, to give so the Network can do what it’s been asked to do.

So, as we start a new church year, make a commitment to be involved with our Network. Pray. Be patient. Participate. Promote. And help it to prosper. If we do this. God will bless us, I’m sure.

This blog has been adapted with permission from a message shared by Rev. Danielle L. Bridgeforth, Senior Pastor of the Church at Clarendon, at the installation service for Bryan Jones, Executive Director of NorthStar Church Network. Danielle has served in many capacities with our Network including Moderator and Board Member. We are grateful for her service and encouragement.


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